Uthman ibn Affan (RA)

Character of Uthman (RA)

Uthman (RA) was known to be shy and what came with his shyness was softness, modesty, humility, and most of all generosity. His generosity was so great that whenever the prophet (SAW) would call people for sadaqah, Uthman (RA) was always one of the first to come forward. At night after I’sha salah, he would cover himself so no one would recognize him and he would enter the masjid and pray to Allah (SWT) in a way that in one rakath, he would finish the entire Quran and pray until Fajr. After the Fajr prayer, he would recite the Quran until it was time for Zuhr prayer. They used to tell him to take it easy on himself and not to overdo it, to which he replied: if our hearts were pure we would never have enough of the Quran. On one occasion the prophet (SAW) said: you will see after me times of trouble where there will be disagreement between and discord amongst the Muslims. So a man asked who they should follow in those times. The prophet (SAW) responded: You are required to follow the trustworthy one and his companions’ and he pointed to Uthman (RA).

Story 1: Family Ties

Uthman (RA) was the son of a leader of Quraysh who was very powerful and reputed in the community and had many deep ties with the people of Quraysh. Therefore, Uthman (RA) was related to Muhammad (SAW) through his mother and he was related to Abu Sufiyan ibn Al-Harb through his father from the Umayyah people. He was borned to a very noble and wealthy home, he was good looking with good behavior. Everyone in the Quraysh loved him so much and enjoyed his company so much that they used to say: may the lord love you the way the Quraysh love Uthman (RA). When Uthman (RA) grew up he was wealthy not only because he was born in a wealthy home but he was a successful businessman. Amongst the companions he became known as one of the wealthiest.

Story 2: How He Accepted Islam

One day Abu Bakr (AS) spoke to Uthman (RA) telling him: O Uthman (RA), you are an intelligent man, a sharp individual, don’t you know that worshipping these idols is wrong? They do not bring you any goodness, they cannot protect you from any harm,  and they cannot harm you either. Don’t you realize and understand that? Do you know there is a prophet amongst our midst? Who has called us to worship our maker alone, the one who created us. Do you know that he has called us towards goodness? He has asked us to leave all our bad habits that our forefathers have been engrossed in and were ingrained into our culture. Then Uthman (AS) asked who this prophet was. Abu Bakr (RA) told him: it is Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Uthman (AS) replied: are you telling me that As-Siddiq Al-Ameen is the one who is now saying he is a prophet? As-Siddiq Al-Ameen was the title of Muhammad (SAW) at that time because he was known to be truthful and trustworthy. So Abu Bakr (RA) replied: yes indeed. At that very moment Muhammad (SAW) was passing by so he greeted Utman (RA) and tells him: I am asking you to come forth to worshipping Allah (SWT) alone. I call you to Islam, I am a messenger of Allah (SWT) calling you to worship your creator alone. Uthman (RA) responded and said: O Muhammad (SAW), I bear witness in what you are calling towards and I bear witness you are a prophet. Without asking any questions Uthman (RA) accepted Islam even though he was wealthy and a powerful figure. He was a very influential figure in the Quraysh although he was some years younger than Muhammad (SAW). His acceptance of Islam made the prophet (SAW) very happy buy others in the Quraysh upset and angry. One of these people that got angry was Abu Jahl who used to say: how can a man form our clan accept Muhammad (SAW) when this man is from a noble home. No way. I am not going to leave this man be. So Abu Jahal started persecuting his own relative, Uthman (RA). He told him: I am not going to leave you alone O Uthman (RA) until you leave Muhammad (SAW). To which Uthman (RA) replied: I will never ever leave Muhammad (SAW). What he is calling towards is correct, it is right so do not let your position, your power, and your authority cloud your understanding and judgement on what is right and wrong.