Sahih Bukhari Hadith Notes

All of the hadiths below are only from Sahih Bukhari.

The summary was obtained from

V = volume, B = book, N = number

113first revelation story
116long story of heraclius, main point: he would have embraced Islam
127the five pillars of Islam
129how to act towards other MuslimsV1 B2 N10
1211simple good deedsV1 B2 N27
1215the three qualities of good faithV1 B2 N20
1228majority of dwellers in jahanam will be women and why
1232characteristics of a hypocriteV1 B2 N33
1234praying on the night of QadrV1 B2 N36
1237for sincere fasting, past sins will be forgiven? (see above)
1239switching prayer direction from Jerusalem to the Mecca (Ka’bah)V1 B8 392, N397
1240reward of good deeds multiply based on level of iman (faith)
1241best deeds are that which are done regularlyV2 B21 N251n
1242having an atom weight of “la ilaha illallah” in the heart will cause you to be taken out of jahannam
1245reward for praying janazah vs completing entire funeral process
1246date of lailatul Qadr and punishment for harming a Muslim
1247when Jibreel (AS) came to the Sahaba and questioned the prophet (SAW) to teach them
1249advice on what to do when something may or may not be halal, how the heart affects the body
1250When the Muhammad (SAW) order a tribe to do four things and forbade 4 thingsV1 B3 N87, V2 B23 N482
1251the reward of a deed depends on intention
1252sincerely spending on one’s family is charity for himV1 B2 N53
1356a sign of the final hour – when honesty is lost and unfit people are in power
1357importance of washing your heelsV1 B3 N96, V1 B4 N164
1358a tree that is like a MuslimV1 B3 N59-62, V1 B3 N72, V1 B3 N133
1366three men who approched the prophet (SAW) in the mosque and each of them did a different thing, and what Allah (SWT) did in response what each of them didV1 B8 N463
1368Muhammad (SAW) preached during suitable timesV1 B3 N70
1369discuss Islam to people in a respectful and easy to understand way
1371what Allah (SWT) does for a true Muslim
1373two types of people one can wish to be like (not as role model)
1374mention of the story of Musa (AS) and Khidir (AS)V1 B3 N78, V1 B3 N124
1379example of guidance and knowledge using the rain and earth
1380four signs of the final hourV1 B3 N81, V1 B3 N85
1383what to do if forgetting to do something in the correct order during HajjV1 B3 N84, V1 B3 N126
1386eclipse prayer and being asked about the prophet in (SAW) the graveV1 B4 N184
1388not being allowed to marry foster-sister (incest would be worse than this case)
1390shortening prayers to accomodate everyone (prayer is considered good deed)
1391what to do if one find a lost item or animals
1394Muhammad (SAW) used to do things thriceV1 B3 N95
1397double reward for three types of people: main one is of those who believed in Jesus (AS) and Moses (AS) and now believe in Muhammad (SAW)
1397gwomen donated their jewlery for almsV2 B24 N511, N529
1398who will get Muhammad’s (SAW) intercession, why hadith were writtenV1 B3 N99
13106those who lie against Muhammad (SAW) will get JahannamV1 B3 N108-109
13110naming oneself or their child after Muhammad (SAW)
13117Muhammad (SAW) praying TahajjudV1 B4 N141, V1 B4 183, V2 B22 N289
13118why Abu Huraira (RA) narrated many Hadiths
13130Allah (SWT) will save from Jahannam those who sincerely testify to the first kalimaV1 B3 N131
13136how a Muhrim (a Muslim intending to do Hajj or ‘Umra) should dressV1 B8 N362, V2 B26 N615
14138how the followers of Muhammad (SAW) will be identified by Wudu on the Day of Resurrection (al ghurr al muhajjalun)
14142how to perform Wudu (alternative)V1 B4 N186, V1 B4 N190-191, V1 B4 196, V1 B4 N198
14143dua to protect ones offspring from shaytan
14144dua when going to answer the call to nature
14146one should not face the the Qibla or have his back to it when answering the call to nature in an open spaceV1 B4 N147, V1 B4 N150-151, V1 B8 N388
14152washing private parts with waterV1 B4 N153-154, N216
14155one should not breath into drinking utensil with water nor touch private parts with the right handV1 B4 N156
14157cleaning onself after the big call to natureV1 B4 N158
14159washing body parts less than thrice?V1 B4 N160, V1 B4 N185
14161how Wudu is done currently, performing 2 rakath after Wudu, reward for performing Wudu perfectly
14163putting water in nose and blowing, using odd number of stones, washing hands after waking upV1 B4 N162
14167only touching the 2 south corners of the Ka’bah, wearing leather shoe, dyeing hair with Henna, Ihram/Ihlal after setting out for Hajj
14168washing the deceased, start from right side beginning with parts washed for Wudu
14169Muhammad (SAW) always did something starting on the right side firstV1 B8 N418
14170miracle, many people performing Wudu from a single potV1 B4 N195, N199
14176a person is considered in prayer as long as he is waiting for the prayer in the mosque and he has his Wudu
14182performing Wudu over leather socksV1 B4 N201-205, V1 B8 384-385i
14206Muhammad (SAW) ate and performed prayer without repeating Wudu, rinse mouth if good ahs liquidV1 B4 N207-10, N214
14211one should not pray when feeling drowsyV1 B4 212
14213Muhammad (SAW) used to perform Wudu for every prayer
14215example to not soil oneself with urine or cause friends to become enemies, story when Muhammad (SAW) passed by two people in the grave being torturedV1 B4 N217, V2 B23 N443, N460
14218example of a bedouin urinating in the mosqueV1 B4 219-221
14222if a child urinates on your clothes, one can pour water over itV1 B4 N223
14224standing while urinating is allowed? (when not at home)V1 B4 N225-226
14227what women should do if they are bleeding from their periodV1 B4 N228
14229clothes with semen on it need to be washedV1 B4 N230-233
14234punishment for those who want to use IslamV2 B24 N577
14235prior to the construction of the mosque the phophet (SAW) offered prayers at sheep-folds (outside in a fenced area)V1 B8 N421
14236what to do when a mouse (any animal or insect too?) falls or lands on foodV1 B4 N237
14239Muslims were last to come on the earth but will be the first on the day of resurrection
14241punishment of those who were strongly againt Muhammad (SAW)
14242the prophet once spat in his clothes
14243all drinks that produce intoxication are haram (all types of alchohol)
14245Muhammad (SAW) used to use Siwak oftenV1 B4 N246
14247performing Wudu before sleeping and long dua before sleeping
15248how to do ghusul and Wudu after Janaba (intercourse)V1 B5 N249, N257, N259-260, N262, N265-266, N272-273, N275, N279
15249Muhammad (SAW) used to ghusul with his wife after Janaba from a single potV1 B5 N253, N261, N263-264
15254Muhammad (SAW) used to pour water three times on the headV1 B5 N255-256
15258Using scent after ghusul of Janaba
15267Muhammad (SAW) used to smell good after visiting his wivesV1 B5 N270, N282
15277story of Musa (AS) bathing and the stone taking his cloths and Ayyub (AS) bathing and golden locust falling
15284need to perform wudu before sleeping while Junub, also need to wash private parts (if ghusul could not be performed?)V1 B5 N285-289
15290bath is compulsory after intercourse even if there is no dischargeV1 B5 N291-292
16293women in their period can perform everything of Hajj except TawafV1 B6 N306
16298Muhammad (SAW) would tell his wives to wear Izar (long skirt) during their periodV1 B6 N299-300
16301most dwellers in Jannah are women and why, also talks about a womens deficency
16307women can do Ithikaf (stay in mosque) even in their periodV1 B6 N308
16310how to mourn: 3 days for a dead person and 4 months and 10 days for a husband and more
16311how to take a bath after your period, clean private area with a cloth with musk (soam or bodywash also work in present day?)V1 B6 N312
16313what to do if a women has period during UmraV1 B6 314, N316
16315what happens in the womb before a baby is born
16317women can only stop praying during their period and when the period is over, they need to take a ghusul and start praying againV1 B6 N322, N324, N327
16318prayers missed during the period do not need to be made up
16319one can kiss their wife during fasting
16321Women should participate in religious gather but be covered/wear hijab (borrowing covering), women in their period should stay away from the MusallaV1 B8 N347
16326Tawaf al Ifadah for women in their periodV1 B6 N325
17330how Tayammum (wudu with sand/dirt) was revealedV1 B7 N332
17331five things given to Allah (SWT) and not given to other prophetsV1 B8 N429
17333better to greet others while having Wudu?
17334how to perform TayammumV1 B7 N335-339
17340story of a miracle performed by Muhammad (SAW)
17341Tayammum should be a last resortV1 B7 N342-343
17344one can perform Tayammum if Junub and no water is available
18345story of Muhammad (SAW) heart being opened and him being taken to the heavens by Jibreel (AS)
18349Muhammad (SAW) used to pray in a single garment (izar/thoub)V1 B8 N348-354, N366
18355when praying the clothes must cover the shoulderV1 B8 N356-358
18359clothes need to give access to perform ablution (shirts need to be able to be pulled pased the elbow)
18360Lesson from when Muhammad (SAW) was young to never be seen nakedV2 B26 N652
18361If one has clothings they do not need to pray in a single garment
18364Muhammad (SAW) forbade 2 kinds of sales and 2 kinds of way of wearing garmentsV1 B8 N363
18365no pagan is allowed to perform Hajj and no one can perform tawaf naked
18367description of the Battle of Khaibar, marriage of Safiya (RA)
18368women used to pray Fajr salah with Muhammad (SAW), veiled and when it was darkV1 B10 N552, V1 B12 N826, N831
18369do not wear clothes with marks that distract from salahV1 B8 N370
18371remove anything that has marks that distract from salah
18372silk clothes are not for Allah (SWT) fearing pious people
18374Muhammad (SAW) did not prostrate at a higher level then the people following the prayer
18375Imam must be followed exactly, if the Imam is sitting one must also sit and prayV1 B11 N656-657, V2 B20 N214-215, B22 N328
18376Muhammad (SAW) used to pray close to his wife even if they were on their period, praying on Khumra (mini Musalla only for the head)V1 B8 N378
18380one can pray even if a person is lying in front of them between them and the QiblaV1 B8 N381
18385uWhen in prayer, Muhammad (SAW) used to seperate his arms from the body widely showing his armpits
18387how to distinguish a Muslim (a Muslim must pray)V1 B8 N386
18389one should not go near his wife during Hajj until completing the Sa’i Tawaf (of Safa and Marwa)
18390Muhammad (SAW) prayed 2 rakath in the Ka’abah and 2 outside itV1 B8 N391, N457, V1 B9 N483-484
18393one can pray optional prayer on a mount (can be applied to car/bus/airplane?)V2 B20 N198-204, N207-208
18394one can peform 2 Sahu prostration if a step in salah is forgotten, even the prophet (SAW) was prone to forgetting a step in salahV1 B8 N398
18395three things Allah (SWT) agreed with that was said by Umar (RA)V1 B8 N396
18399correct way to spit in salah and statement where one is speaking with Allah (SWT) in private during salahV1 B8 N400-409, V2 B22 N304
18413Muhammad (SAW) interaction with a greedy person
18415a husband and wife should divorce if they find the other commiting adultery (lian)
18417Jahannam is fobidden for someone who says “none has the right to be worshipped but Allah” for Allah’s (SWT) sake alone
18419why there are pictures and idols in some religions and the punishment (Hinduism, Christianity?) based on an Ethiopian churchV1 B8 N426, V2 B23 N425
18420Muhammad (SAW) loved to pray on time, building of Masjid An-Nabawi, “there is no goodness except that of the hereafter…”
18424pray some nawafil prayer at home but not to always do it (do not take your houses as graves)
18425do not enter places where Allah’s (SWT) punishment had fallen unless one is weeping
18427Jews and Christians built places of worship at the graves of their prophetsV1 B8 N428, V2 B23 N414, N472
18430story of a slave girl who was accused of stealing a scarf and later she was freed because she was innocent
18434a borrower can give more than what he owes if he so wishes since the prophet (SAW) did
18435one should pray 2 rakath after entering the mosque before sittingV2 B21 N264
18436angels keep asking Allah (SWT) to forgive anyone of us as long as we are at a Musalla and have ablutionV1 B11 N628
18437Masjid An-Nabawi update under the first three caliphs
18441whoever builds a mosque, Allah (SWT) will build for them a similar place in Jannah
18442one should be careful with sharp objects that can hurt other Muslims while movingV1 B8 B443
18444Muhammad (SAW) referred to the holy spirit (Jibreel [AS]?)
18446not to impose conditions not in Allah’s (SWT) book (Quran)
18449Prophet recited the verse of Surat Al Baqara when it was revaled about usury Riba and banned trade of alcohol
18455when Muhammad (SAW) gave a sermon about Allah (SAW) giving one of his slaves a choice between the dunya or the hereafter
18459one should not raise their voice in the masjid
18461how to pray the night prayerV1 B8 N462
18464it is okay to lie on ones back in the mosque
18466prayer at masjid is 25x better than payer at homeV1 B11 N618
19473one should put something in front of him/her when praying if people are likly to cross in front of themV1 B9 N474, N477-478
19488anyone passing between a person and a sutra is a shaytanV1 B9 N487-488
19489if a person passing in front of a person in prayer knew the magnitude of that sin, he would prefer to wait 40 days (unsure if days/months/years)
19492Muhammad (SAW) would wake up his wife for her to do Witr prayer
19495one can carry a child and pray but have to put the child down during prostration, occasion when Muhammad (SAW) was seen doing it
110509proper sajdah and spitting in prayerV2 B22 N305
110530Fajr and Asr angels
110535times of prayer
110555dont pray before or during sunrise or sunset
110570missed prayer order, one should pray the missed prayer first
111579why the phrases of Adhan are said twice and Iqama phrases said once
111587repeating the words of adhan after the Muadhdhin
111588dua after listening to the adhan
111597prayer between Adhan and Iqamah
111598time between magrib ahdan and iqamah
111605saying “pray at your house” in Adhan was done in the past
111608why one should not rush to pray for joining late to prayer
111629the seven types of people Allah (SWT) will shadeV2 B24 N504
111642if food is ready and Iqama time comes
111653telling your family to pray (many repeats)
111658no one should prostrate until the Imam has prostrated after RukuN659, V1 B12 N775
111660going ahead of the imam
111668one can pray the same prayer twice
111683what to do if a rakath is forgotten or a mistake is madeV1 B12 N792
111687standing in straight rows and close to on anotherV1 B11 N692
112702raising your hand before and after rukuV1 B12 N703-706
112707placing right hand on forearm
112711dua that can be said in place of “subhanaka” in salah
112713moving ones mouth during salah
112717wanring about looking up in prayer
112718warning about looking around in prayer
112723surah fatiha must be recited in prayer or the prayer is invalid
112724proper way to prayV1 B12 N791
112729why surah fatiha is only recited on 2+ rakath fard prayersV1 B12 N744
112755saying takbir in salah
112756putting hand on the knee while sitting in salah
112758duration of ruku and sajdahV1 B12 N766
112764extended “rabana wa lakal hamd”
112767sitting awhile before getting up after 2nd prostration
112769sitting to pray is allowed
112770about the day of judgement and story of the last person to enter jannah
112771keeping arms away from body in prayer when they are folded
112773Muhammad (SAW) was ordered to prayer on seven parts/bones and to not tuck up cloths or hair, the parts are: forehead/nose tip, hands, knees, and toes on the feetN774, N776
112778exmaple of women praying with prophet (SAW)V2 B22 N306
112781alternative saying in ruku and sujood
112790proper way to prop up right feet while sitting in prayer
112794saying “at-tahiyatu…”
112795dua for seeking Allah (SWT) mercy during prayer
112796saying “allahuma inni zalamtu…”
112804saying “subhanallah, alhamdulillah, allahu akbar” after prayer
112805dua after prayer
112809Muhammad (SAW) would let the women depart after the prayer before he departedN825, N829
112811One can depart after finishing prayer from the right or left side
112812Anyone who ate raw garlic should not enter a mosque (until brushing teeth?)N813-815
112817ghusl (bath/shower) is compulsory on Friday (many repeats)
112832letting women go to masjid if they askN824
2136going to Jummah early, angels writing arrival timeV2 B13 N51
2138benefit of Jummah
21311not to wear silk
21312importance of using siwak (many repeats)
21318responsibility of a person
21323women went only for fajr and isha prayer
21343standing, sitting, and standing again during kuthba by imam
21346tashahhud being voluntary
21355dua made by prophet (SAW) that was immediately granted
21356telling someone to be quiet during kuthba is bad
21359Muhammad (SAW) prayed 2 rakath often, at home
21361Not eating or napping before Jummah
21366Muhammad (SAW) and the sahabi used to praying during battle
21371Eid al Adha tradition
21373eating dates on Eid al Fitr
21375animal must be sacrified after Eid Salah (many repeats)
21376giving kuthba (sermon) before eid prayer (not sunnah?)V2 B15 N79, V2 B24 N529
21386deeds on the first 10 day of dhul hijja are superior than on any other days
21595prophet (SAW) used to pray then give kuthba on eid day (many repeats)
21596all women should enjoy eid day but the mensturating women should say away from the musallah (many repeats)
215102prophet (SAW) used to return from eid prayer on a different path then which he went
216105how to pray night prayer and witr prayer (many repeats)V2 B22 N289
216110when to offer witr prayer
216115about doing qunut (optional – standing and making dua in prayer)
216125prayer to invoke rain (istisqa) (many repeats)
217146signs of the final hour approaching
217149five unseen knowledge that nobody knows but Allah (SWT)
218150one should 2 rakath and invoke Allah (SWT) till an eclipse is over (very long prayer in congregation)V2 B18 N151-172, V2 B22 N303
219173prostrating when a verse of Sajdah is recited or hearV2 B19 N174-185
220186one can pray shorter prayer while travelingV2 B20 N187-190, N195-196
220191a sacrifice is needed to perform Hajj?
220192a women should not travel for more than three days except with her husband or with those she cannot marry (dhi Mahram)V2 B20 N193-194
220196Maghrib prayer can be delayed until Isha prayer during a journeyV2 B20 N209-211
220205one does not need to pray optional prayers during a journey
220212Zuhr prayer can be delayed until Asr prayer during a journeyV2 B20 N213
220216reward for praying while sitting is half that of the one who prays while standingV2 B20 N217
221222story of the man who dreamt of angels taking him to hell fire, which later was a sign for him to do TahajjudV2 B21 N255
221229Taraweeh prayer and how it is sunnah
221231most beloved prayer and fasting to Allah (SWT) is that of Dawud (AS), he used to pray a third of the night and fast every other day
221235time between Suhur and Fajr prayer is fifty verses
221238how to perform Tahajjud, Muhammad (SAW) prayed 11 rakath? (1 Witr)V2 B21 N239-240, N248, V2 B22 N289
221243Three knots that shaytan put on everyone in the morning that affects their day if not undone
221244If one learns the Quran, he/she must act on it, one should not sleep though compulsory prayers
221245shaytan urinates on the ear of someone who does not wake up for Fajr
221246Allah (SWT) comes down to the nearest heaven every night at the last third of the night looking for those who want to ask him for anything
221247Muhammad (SAW) bathed before Fajr, slept early and woke up during the last part of the night, then go back to sleep
221250praying after ablution is a great deed (2 rakath?)
221253Dua to invoke at night
221255Some Sahabis dreamt Laila-tul-Qadr was on the 27th day but it was not confirmed by Muhammad (SAW)
221256Muhammad (SAW) never missed offering the 2 rakath Fajr sunnath, he used to lie on his right side afterwardsV2 B21 N257-260
221263Istikhara Dua
221266offering 2 rakaths before and after some salahsV2 B21 N269, N275
221267one should offer 2 rakath during or after a sermon/kuthba?
221268Duha prayer, Muhammad (SAW) praying in and outside the Ka’bah
221270prayers can be prayed together if early/late?
221271some companions and the prophet did not offer Duha prayer?
221272the prophet did offer Duha prayer?V2 B21 N275t
221273the prophet did not offer Duha prayer (per Aisha [RA])
221274Three advice from Muhammad (SAW): fast 3 days in a month, to offer Duha prayer, and offer Witr before sleeping
221276Muhammad (SAW) never missed the 2 rakath before Fajr and 4 rakath before Zuhr
221277there is a prayer that can be offered before Magrib V2 B21 N278
221281do not set out on a journey to any mosques except Al-Masjid Al-Haram, Al-Masjid An-Nabawi, and Masjid Al-Aqsa
221282one prayer is Masjid An-Nabawi is 1000 times better than in any other moques except Masjid Al-Haram
221283Umar (RA) used to pray Duha prayer on two occasions
221284Muhammad (SAW) used to go to the Mosque in Quba every Saturday (did he pray Duha there?)V2 B21 N285
221286there is a garden of the garden of paradise between the house and pulpit of Muhammad (SAW)V2 B21 N287
221288four clear narration from Muhammad (SAW): A women should not go on a two day journey except with her husband or a Dhi-Mahram, no fasting on the two days of Eid, no prayer after Fajr until sunrise or after Asr until sunset, do not prepare for a journey to a mosque except the three noble masjidsMANY REPEATS
222290one should not respond to anything or anyone while praying (Quran 2:238)V2 B22 N291-292, N307-308
222293Imam can step back and let someone else finish salah if necessaryV2 B22 N309, N326
222294saying at-tahiyyathu lillahi…
222295saying SubhanAllah is for men and clapping is for womenV2 B22 N296
222299one can place their clothes in front of them and prostrate over them if there is a need for it
222310it is forbidden to pray with hands on the hipsV2 B22 N311
222313what Shaytan does after the Adhan and Iqama and in prayerV2 B22 N323-324
222315how to finish the prayer if a mistake was made in it (Sahu)V2 B22 N316, N322
222317one can correct a mistake in salah even after Taslim by doing the missed rakath and two additional prostrations (Sahu)V2 B22 N318-321
222323one can pray missed Salah after compulsory salah but there should be no prayer between Asr and Magrib
223329one can enter paradise even after commiting major sins if they die worshipping none other than Allah (last words?)
223331seven things ordered to do and seven things forbaded by Muhammad (SAW)V2 B23 N332
223333what Abu Bakr (RA) did right after Muhammad (SAW) passed away
223334do not say Allah (SWT) has honored someone after deathV2 B23 N335
223336one is allowed to weep or can choose not to weep upon someones death
223337Janazah prayer with four takbirs
223338when Khalid bin Al-Walid became a general for the first time for the Muslims
223339Janazah does not need to be prayed on the same day a person diesV2 B23 N407
223340when three children of a Muslim die before puberty, the children will protect their parents from Jahannam and Allah (SWT) will grant them Jannah. Even two children will.V2 B23 N341, N463
223343when someone dies one needs to remember to fear Allah (SWT) and be patientV2 B23 N372
223344a dead body needs should be washed 3, 5, or more odd number of times and then be shrouded with a sheet (white?), bath should started on the right side and with parts washed in Wudu, lote tree leaves (Sidr) and camphor should also be used, womens hair can also be braided into 3 parts after washingV2 B23 B345-353
223354Muhammad (SAW) was shourded in 3 white pieces of cotton cloth (Suhul) and in them there was neither a shirt nor a turbanV2 B23 N361-363
223355if a person dies during Hajj he will be saying “labbaik” on the Day of Resurrection, the dead body should still be washed with water and Sidr but perfume should not be used and the head should not be covered, the body should be shrouded with two clothesV2 B23 N356-358
223359Muslims do not perform Janazah for non-Muslims, good example of a revelation coming after something was done that should not be doneN448
223368women were fobidden to accompany funeral processions but not strictly
223369women are fobidden to mourn for more than 3 days except for the death of their husband to which they cna mourn for 4 months and 10 days.V2 B23 N370-371
223373crying is a mercy Allah (SWT) has lodged in the hearts of his slaves and Allah (SWT) is merciful only to those of his slaves who are meriful to others
223375Allah (SWT) increases the punishment of a non-believer when their relatives weep for themV2 B23 N376
223377the deceased is tortured for the weeping of the living (non-believers?)V2 B23 N378-380
223382he who slaps his cheeks, tears his clothes, and follows the ways and traditions of the Days of Ignoracne is not from us (not a Muslim)V1 B12 B384-385
223386women should not cry after someone other than a husband dies?
223388when a reciter of the Quran (Hafiz) died, Muhammad (SAW) used to recite Qunut for one month and Muhammad (SAW) was most sad on that day
223389Muhammad (SAW) said, “the real patience is at the first stroke of calamity”V2 B23 N372
223390crying is mercy, death of Muhammad (SAW) son
223391the deceased are punished for wailing, not crying or greif of the heart
223394when coffin is being moved, one must stand till the coffin is moved ahead of you or is put down even if it is not a MuslimV2 B23 N395-399
223400when a funeral of a righteous person is taking play, it will say “present me quickly” and if it was not righteous it will say “woe to it, where are you taking it?” The voice of the unrighteous will be heard by all of creation except mankind for if they heard it they would fall unconciousV2 B23 N401-402, N462
223403king of Ethopoia An-Najashi who defended early Muslim emmigrants and later became Muslim, Janazah was prayed for him by Muhammad (SAW) when he died, Janazah prayer can be prayed for someone even from a distance placeV2 B23 N404, N406, N412, N417-418
223405Muhammad (SAW) prayed Janazah at a graveV2 B23 N407-408, N411, N420, N424
223410whoever accompanies a funeral procession until the prayer will get a reward equal to one Qirat, whoever accompanies it to its burial will get two Qirat (a Qirat is a huge mountain)V2 B23 N409
223413the Jews brought to from amongst them that comited adultery, Muhammad (SAW) ordered them to be stoned to death
223415an Imam needs to pray Janazah prayer by standing by the middle of the coffinN416
223419recitation of Surah Fatiha in the Janazah prayer is the tradition of the prophet (SAW)
223421Muhammad (SAW) prayed Janazah for someone who used to clean the masjid
223422when a dead person is visted at the grave or even hears the footsteps of vistors, two angels will come to him. What they will ask and what they will do is mentioned in the hadith (powerful warning)N456
223423story of when the angel of death came to Musa (AS)
223426a man cannot go into the grave of a women to bury her unless he did not have intercouse with this wifeV2 B23 N374
223427the prophet (SAW) buried every two martyrs of Uhud in on cloth and in the same graveN429-431
223428the Kuthba given on the day the Janazah was prayed for the martyrs in Uhud
223432Mecca is a sanctuary and Muhammad (SAW) was give a few hours only to conquer it. List of what one cannot do in Mecca
223437story of the boy who claimed to be a phophet at the time of Muhammad (SAW)
223440funeral prayer should be prayed for every child because every child is born with a true faith, parents of other religion change the faith of their child. If a baby is born and cries and then dies, a funeral prayer must be performed, if the baby does not cry it is a miscarriage and the funeral prayer does not need to be prayedN441, N467
223442Muhammad’s (SAW) last moment with his uncle Abu Talib, verse revealed that one should not ask forgiveness for pagans even if they are relatives (Q9.113)
223444everyone has a place in either jannah or jahannam assigned to them, however it does not mean we do not strive to do good deeds, it means good deeds are made easy for some and not for others
223445whoever intentionally swears falsly by a religion other than Islam, he is what he said, if someone commits suicide Allah (SWT) will forbid Jannah for them, describes punishmetn of suicideN446
223449If 2-4 people testify to the piety of a Muslim who has passed away, Allah (SWT) will grant that Muslim Jannah
223450when a faithful believer is made to sit in the grave and then the angels come to him and he testifies the first kalima, Allah (SWT) will keep firm those who believe the firm words (Q14.27)N451
223452dead people can hear better than the living? (Q27.80) Muhammad (SAW) addressing the mushriks in the well after the Battle of BadrN453
223454there is punishment in the grave, Muhammad (SAW) used to seek refuge with Allah (SWT) from the punishment in the grave in every prayerN458
223459dua invoked by Muhammad (SAW) to seek refuge from punishment and afflictions
223461when anyone dies, he or she is shown their place in Jannah/Jahannam and is told that is their place until Allah (SWT) resurrects you
223465when Muhammad (SAW) was asked about the children of mushrikeen he said: since Allah (SWT) created them,he know what sort of deeds they would have doneN466
223468dream the prophet (SAW) had where Jibreel (AS) and Mikael (AS) showed punishment of those who lie, those who do not act upon the Quran, adulteres, and those who deal with riba (interest), he was also shown Ibrahim (AS), Malik, and houses for common believeers and martyrs, and his palce in Jannah
223469final moments of Abu Bakr (RA) and some info on how the prophet (SAW) was shorouded and what day he died
223470parents will get rewarded for what their children do
223471final moments of the prophet (SAW)
223474Umar (RA) foot was uncovered? Aisha (RA) was buried with the other wives of the prophet
223475final moment of Umar (RA), when his request is sent to Aisha (RA) to be buried with the prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr (RA), other advice he gives for his successor (to this day?), important mention of Dhimmies (protectees)
223476not to abuse the dead because they have reached the result of what they forwarded
223477why tab-bat yeadha… was revealed (Q.111.1)
223478three basic pillars to invite people to Islam with if they are willing to listen
223479four basic deeds that will get a person into paradise, one being keep good relations with relatives?N480-481
223483why Abu Bakr (RA) decided to fight the people who left Islam when Muhammad (SAW) passed away
224485what happens if Zakath is not paid, Muhammad (SAW) will not intercede for the people who do not pay zakath
224486if one does not pay Zakath, their wealth will be turned into a snake that strangles their nect and bites their cheek (Q.3.180)
224487what zakath is not due onN526-527, N538, N561
224489what prophet Muhammad (SAW) thought about wordly wealth
224490there is no envy in two types of people: a person who has wealth and spends it correctly and a person who has wisdom and uses it accordingly and teaches it others
224491Allah (SWT) only accepts honestly earned money, and he enlarges even a charity equal to that of one date-fruit to the size of a mountain
224492the prophet told people to give in charity for a time will come when people will not find anyone to give their object of charity (gold), one man will be followed by forty women to be their guardian because of scarcity of men and great number of womenN495, N505
224493the Hour will not be established until the wealth of people increases so much so that one will be worried that no will will accept his Zakath and the person who will accept it will say “I am not in need of it”
224494when a person will stand in front of Allah (SWT) and be asked by Allah (SWT) directly about his wealth and the messager, one should save himself from hellfire by giving even half of a date fruit in charity, if not that charity can be given with good pleasant wordsN498
224496when the verse to not critisize those who give charity and those who cannot was revealed (Q9.79)
224499example of even te smallest amount of charity making a big difference in the hereafter, a women and her two daughters coming Aisha (RA) for alms
224500best type of charity
224501first wife of the prophet to pass away
224502example of giving charity to the wrong people may still have positive effect
224506women can give food as charity, the women will be reward, the husband will be reward, and the storekeeper will be rewarded. The reward of one will not decrease the reward of otherN518, N520-521
224508the best chairty is that which is practiced by the wealthy person, charity is given to their dependents. whoever abstains from asking others for financial help, Allah (SWT) will make them self-sufficient. the upper hand is better than the lower hand (giver and receiver)N507-509, N551
224510after an A’sr prayer, the prophet (SAW) hurried to his house and returned to the congregation, he was worried that he had a piece of gold in the house and he did not want it to remain in his house over night so he gave it in charity (many repeats)
224512Muhammad (SAW) always told his companions to help and recommend to a begger whenever he was approaced by one
224513if a person with-holds his money, Allah (SWT) will with-hold his blessings from that personN514-515
224516how a persons can expiate his afflications (bad deeds), how Umar (RA) was like a door that prevented affliction from spreading like the sea
224517people who do good deeds as non-Muslims will still be rewarded for them even after becoming a Muslim
224519an honest Muslims who does his job well (example fo storekeeper given) is regarded as one of the two chariatable person
224522everyday two angels come down from haven, one asks Allah (SWT) to compensate every person who spends in Allah’s cuase, the other asks Allah (SWT) to destory every miser (person who hoards wealth)
224523example differenciating a alms-giver from a miser (someone who gives in chairty vs someone who does not) using an iron cloak as an analogy
224524every Muslim must give in charity, alternative ways to give charity if a cirumstance prevents someone from giving money
224525animal meat can be given in charity
224528example of paying zakath with camels and what to do if zakat is more/less than what it should beN533-534
224530paying zakath on property owned by more than one person (zakath needs to be paid on property?)N531
224532zakath needs to be paid for animal?
224536Abu Bakr (RA) fought those who with-holded even the smallest amount from their zakat, Umar (RA) agreed with his decesion
224539punishment for those who own camels, cows, and sheeps but do not pay zakat for them
224540example of a Sahaba giving that which he loves in charity, why he did it, and how he was told to do it (Q3.92)
224541women need to give charity to their family before giving it to others
224542there is no zakat due on a horse or a slave belonging to a MuslimN543
224544what the prophet (SAW) was most afraid of for the Muslim, only the truly needy should take charity and why
224545women can give zakat to relatives to get double rewardN546
224548example of how the prophet (SAW) gave in charity, greatest blessing is patience
224549it is better to work and earn money than ask a person for something that the person may or may not giveN550, N558
224552if you are given something you did not ask for or had greed for, you should take it, and you are not given it, do not run from it
224553a mean keeps asking others for something until the Day of Resurrection, also mentions the sun coming close on the Day of Ressurection, people’s sweat, and intercession
224554the poor person is not the one who asks for food but the true poor person is the one who has nothing and is ashamed to beg from others (whose condition is not known to others)N557
224555the three things Allah (SWT) does not like: too much tlaking or talking about others, wasting wealth, asking too many questions or asking others for something
224556receiving charity has the potential to distance that person from Islam
224560Zakat amount on land that yeilds or uses water
224562Muhammad (SAW) and his off-spring did not eat what is given in charityN568
224563dates/fruits should not be sold until they are ripe (no danger of blight)N564-565
224566not to take back something that one has given in charityN571-572
224570charity items can be given as gifts?
224573Three first steps to invite people to Islam, avoid taking best possessions for Zakat (Zakath used to be collected), there is no screen between an opressed person’s Dua and Allah (SWT)
224574fshort story fo how someone got a loan and how he paid it back
224575there is no compensation for on killed or wounded by an animal or falling in a well or working in a mine, but Khumus (one fifth) is compulsory on Rikaz (gold, silver, etc.)
225579every Muslims must pay Zakat Al-Fitr before the Eid prayer, One Sa’ = 3 kg of datesN580-588
226589Hajj can be performed on behalf of someone who is not physcially capable of doing it their self
226590Muhammad (SAW) started saying “Labbaik” (talbiya) from Dhul Hulaifa when his mount stood upN591, N624
226594the three best deeds
226595the second best deed for women is Hajj Mabrur
226596whoever performs Hajj for Allah’s (SWT) pleasure and does not have intercourse with his wife (spouse), and does not do evil or sin will return from Hajj as if he was a newborn.
226597where people living in certain palces in the Middle East need to start Hajj from (miqat)N599-605
226598taking provision for Hajj and fear of Allah (SWT) is the best provision (Q2.197)
226606Miqat for the people of Basra and Kufa assigned by Umar (RA)
226609prophet was told in a dream to pray in the valley at Dhul-Hulaifa and assume Ihram for Hajj and Umra togetherN610
226612Aisha (RA) used to put scent on the prophet’s (SAW) hair when he wanted to assume Ihram and also after finishing Ihram before the  Tawaf Al-Ifada
226613Muhammad (SAW) assumed Ihram with his hair matted together
226614the prophet (SAW) never assumed Ihram except at the mosque of Dhul-Hulaifa
226616the prophet (SAW) kept reciting Talbiya till he did the Rami of Jamarat Al-‘Aqaba
226617details about doing Hajj and Umra, intentionN623, N625, N627, N629-641
226618the prophet (SAW) prayed 4 rakath in Medina and 2 rakath in Dhul-Hulaifa and passed the night there, Sahabi (RA) started reciting TalbiyaN619-620
226621Talbiya and its translationN622
226643Muhammad (SAW) used to stop at Dhi-Tuwa to pass the night, and pray Fajr  and bath the next day before entering Mecca (during Hajj/Umra)N644
226645the prophet (SAW) used to enter Mecca from the highest Thaniya and leave from the low Thaniya (during Hajj/Umra)N646-647
226648In the year of the conquest of Mecca, the prophet (SAW) enetered from Kada’ (higher side) instead of KudaN649-651
226653the Ka’ba was slightly moved from its original, Muhammad (SAW) wished to rebuild it in the correct foundation but did not due to people in Mecca recently accepting IslamN655-656
226654about the round wall at the Ka’ba and the gate to enter to get close to the Ka’ba
226657Mecca was made a santuary after tis conquest, things that cannot be done in Mecca
226658a Muslim cannot inherit anything from a non-Muslim